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🏈 Sportsing, Pride, & 🙏 A Huge ASK!!! 🏈

🏈 Sportsing, Pride, & 🙏 A Huge ASK!!! 🏈

First I'd like to say a Ginormous Thank You to everyone that left comments on my last post. I read every comment and you made me feel so accepted and like I wasn't alone. Seriously, you didn't have to take the time to read it or comment but thank you so much for all your uplifting and healing words. 

I wasn't going to write but once a week, but I am left with no choice but to turn to you for help. My pride is at stake! 

Anybody trash talk so much only to be slapped in the face by your own poor choices? My 20 Year old son-James, my husband-Joe and my Father in Law-Mike, have been in a fantasy football league for as long as I can remember. Until just recently they would fly to Oklahoma for their draft. To say fantasy football is serious business in my house is an understatement. It’s ESPN nonstop, mock drafts and faces glued to phones checking player stats. 

I felt left out and asked if I could join this year since they had an open spot. My strategy was simple. I pulled 9th pick and I would draft the best of who was left with the secondary criteria of if I liked their outfits or not. Some people call them uniforms, I call them outfits to irritate the menfolk. If I was still stuck, I used my entire 2 minutes discussing who had the kindest smile. It was great fun! I may have also spent the time I wasn’t ‘on deck’ discussing which one of my candles I was going to light to prove my superiority. Of course I chose All I Do Is Win Infused With The Tears Of My Opponents.

All I Do Is Win Candle

I even said I was gonna hit Costco to buy Kleenex in bulk for the opening weekend so they would have something to mop up the tears. Here’s what I didn’t know. Yahoo Sports sends a report card after the draft to grade your cunning and skill. Below is my report card.

PureMaliciousness Report Card

Sooo…yeah….I changed my team name to RecipeForDisaster and thought I’d share the results of the last two weeks.

Catch 22 League Standing week 3

And... how I am doing so far this week.

Fantasy Football League Standing-Catch 22

Here’s My Ask: Can one of you help me? I am currently tied for last place and if I lose this week, I WILL be last place. I can’t ask any of the sportsing guys in my life since they are all in the league. I really want to win a game!!! Like really bad! If I don’t end up in the playoffs, I have to hand-deliver (or ship) each person in the League a custom All I Do Is Win candle Infused With Lacie’s Tears. That will be so physically painful!

Can someone pretty please look at my line up this week and see if I should start anyone else for Sunday? I have up until like 9:45am PST to make changes to my players.

Players 1a


Go Sports & Stay Malicious (Even though I didn't and changed my team name to RecipeForDisaster)


Comments (16 comments)


Your team actually doesn’t look that bad to me. Definitely replace the guy with only a 22% chance of playing (Brown) with someone who will be playing. Drop the player on your bench on the IR (D. Johnson) – that guy probably isn’t coming back – and try to pick up someone healthy.
Feel free to disregard any advice from me, as I’m losing in my league as well (although not because I picked players based on their outfits and nice smiles!).

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