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Chaotic Politics and Chaos Wax!

Chaotic Politics and Chaos Wax!

Hey Misfits! Lacie here!

March is here, which means it’s Women’s History Month. The time to celebrate all the badass women who shaped the world. And, apparently, a time for political nonsense, historical gaslighting, and peak chaos.

Soo... Trump has a sudden love for Women’s History Month (that already existed?!)

Fun fact: Women’s History Month has been a thing since 1987. But in a classic display of performative nonsense, Trump signed an executive order re-establishing it.. like he personally discovered it. It’s giving man explains my own job to me energy. The same guy who’s spent years dismantling women’s rights now wants credit for celebrating us? Sure.. that makes a lot of sense!

Meanwhile, over in Congress, ten Democrats voted to censure their own party member, Al Green, because self-sabotage is apparently in style. And then there was Trump’s speech... basically a misinformation highlight reel. My personal faves?

  • “We’ve completely destroyed the DEI agenda!” Because nothing says progress like eliminating diversity and inclusion.
  • “Tariffs on Mexico are making America rich!” (Spoiler: They’re not.)

With all this chaos, we might as well make it intentional. Enter Chaos Wax: where you pick your scent, choose your color, and turn literally anything into a candle vessel. Vintage teacup? Thrifted skull mug? Empty wine glass because life is a lot? Yes, yes, and absolutely.

And because we love a little drama, we just dropped a 7-minute tutorial showing you exactly how to use Chaos Wax—with a surprise announcement at the end!

Watch the tutorial + surprise → Lacie's Chaos Wax Tutorial 

Get your very own Chas Wax Kit, here!!


When the world is this messy, at least your candle game can be on point!

Stay malicious, Misfits!


Comments (8 comments)


I agree, Patti must be new…it’s ok Patti, these might just not be the candles for you. The rest of us will keep buying and supporting.


Absolutely love this from beginning to end. Yes, let’s find some calm during this chaos!!


Oh Patti, Patti, Patti

You’re new around here, right? Allow me to be the first to welcome you to fuck off with that shit. I can’t speak for Lacie (but I look forward to her scathing response) however, if “customers” are offended by her politics, GOOD!, and they likely wouldn’t have bought anything anyway.

Angel D

I love your products and your politics! Keep voicing your opinions as they are the things I would say too! Thank you for sharing your badassery in cyber space so I don’t have to!

Kathleen V.

LOVE your candles AND your politics. Thank you for screaming into the cyber void for us, and for being a badass cathartic voice in the chaos.

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