Bunnies, Sushi & Irony

Bunnies, Sushi & Irony

Jul 20, 2024Lacie Marsh-Carroll

I’ve written about my amazing neighbors Todd and Jenn and my adopted grandkids before. I literally won the neighbor lottery. We talk almost everyday and bring each other food and beverages-It’s perfect on the night Jenn or I don’t feel like cooking. Just a little backstory before we get into Bunnypalooza.

Monday after work, I pull in the drive and Jenn and the kids said “We found bunnies!”

Of course, I drop everything and run over and immediately snuggle the most adorable,  tiny baby bunny. Joe was sitting on the porch and he immediately stood up, saw me snuggling a baby and yelled” No.” I was like “loooook!!! It’s so cute!” He reminded me, and now the neighborhood of children surrounding Jenn and the bunnies, that the last time we got a bunny, it damn near chewed through every cord in the house. “Remember the bunny farm?”  He asked me.

Without hesitation, Adaline said “There is a bunny farm? I want to go!” I just blank stared at Joe. For those of you that are not aware, the Bunny Farm is actually a large field in Lake Stevens where he released the domesticated bunny to fend for itself instead of trying to rehome it. We told Joe Joe and Kacie that the bunny went to live on the bunny farm and is making all sorts of bunny friends. In our 26 years of marriage, I would say that was a top 10 fight.

Back to the story. So Jenn told she rescued the bunnies from a cat that was toying with them in her backyard. She immediately scooped them up and brought them inside and Adaline and Owen named them. She looked at me and said “We have three bunnies now." Last week, Jenn and Adaline were picking up dog food and PetSmart had bunnies. Adaline asked for a bunny and Jenn said no. Jenn told her we have lots of bunnies in the neighborhood and if she finds one she can keep it. Without missing a beat Adaline chimes in “TTHEEEN, WE FOUND BUNNIES!!!”

Jenn still had an expressionless face and said “Yup…We sure did.”

Now, I am laughing hysterically, because if that doesn’t describe motherhood, I don’t know what does.

Here is Jenn's TikTok of the bunnies:  https://www.tiktok.com/@jjjennmac_cheesepickles/video/7391944102381866286?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7371185444455761414

Fast forward a couple days and Adaline and Owen have finally accepted that the bunnies have to be released since they are wild. They were waiting for the bunnies eyes to fully open and their ears were perky. Jenn spent days on TikTok and Google researching bunny care and how to release them.

I have a pretty substantial garden, so I was helping to supply lettuce and baby carrots. I was fully invested in these bunnies at this point. Even James and his girlfriend came over yesterday and bonded with the little bun buns. Jenn and I were talking that yesterday was release day and she was debating on where to release them. The internet said to release them where she found them, but we have a very large greenbelt behind our neighborhood and that might be a better option because of her dog. Audrey, a very lovable Goldendoodle, loves playing with stuffies.

She decided to follow the expert internet advice and release them back in the corner of her yard, since Audrey has a dog run, the bunnies should be safe.

They were not safe.

As Jenn tells the story, she was in the kitchen making dinner when Audry comes in, blood covering her face, and bunny bits strewn about. She screamed and grabbed the bits of bunny still remaining and shoved them in a bowl before the kids could see the entirety of the carnage.

The irony is they spent a week nursing these bunnies back to health after a cat attacked them, only to be killed in the same spot they were rescued from. The bunnies made their way through Audrys fence….and well…yeah.  

At this point, we all gathered and said a few words as Todd buried the bunny bits. Then, she offered me homemade sushi, which was delicious!

Below  are the screenshots of me breaking the news to James and Kerra.

HUGE FAVOR: If you live in our neighborhood and read my blog, or follow my socials, or know Jenn, PLEASE DO NOT mention this to your kids. Adaline and Owen can never know that the bunnies are not living their best life on the bunny farm.

Missed Opportunity! I had to add a second Candle of the week! 

This week’s Candle of The Week can only be In Loving Memory Of the One Who Left Paw Prints On My Heart. They will forever be remembered. This candle will be on sale thru 7/27/24

Second Candle of the week! 

Stay Malicious,


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Comments (4)

  • Oh nooo, the bunnies… about 3 years after I got (rescued) my husky ( he was 6 by this time) a bunny decided to have her babies in the yard. Did she not smell the dog?! And although I had a husky before this one, I NEVER had bunnies in the yard. I grabbed a tomato cage that was square that unfolded and put it around the bunnie hole so momma could get in and dog could not. Waited for momma to move her family. I had bunnies in the yard the next 2 summers. The 4th summer the BF goes to mow the lawn and comes to get me… shows me 3 id sized bunnies dead in the grass and makes me clean them up – no clue how they died, they were in one piece, no blood… about a month later I go to let my dog in the house and he brings me a bunny! He was so excited about it and in trying to re-grip it in his mouth, he punctured it…. I was like Oh NOOOO!!!! Poor dog, creeped into the house all sad and deflated after thinking he did something good! (This was also the fate of a few young opossum) I have not seen any bunnies in my yard in recent years, and now that he is an “old man”, his interest in hunting is gone – so they would be safe in the yard if they came back….

  • The absolute ROLLERCOASTER that is this blog post hahaha so sad for the bunnies, but at least you got sushi?? LOL

    Lauren Maynard
  • Awwwww…sniff, sniff…

  • What a sad, real story. Thank you for sharing.

    Anna Regina Hanson

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