Malicious Mayhem Or Malicious Intent?

Malicious Mayhem Or Malicious Intent?

Apr 01, 2024Lacie Marsh-Carroll

Malicious Mayhem Or Malicious Intent? 

If you follow us on any of the socials you know I made a HUGE announcement this week. I am converting the unused space behind our retail shop into a DIY candle pouring bar. I am hoping to open Malicious Mayhem Candle Bar May 1st, 2024.

First Question: I’m still on the fence for the name. Should I call it Malicious Mayhem or Malicious Intent?

I was thinking Mayhem because it has more of a Speakeasy vibe, but Malicious Intent kinda does too and there is so much intention poured (pun intended) into candle making. What do you all think?

I want to create a space where people will come in and explore their creativity. I currently have 90+ fragrances for people to blend their own custom fragrance oils and 13+ different candle vessels to choose from. The plan is to keep it affordable by offering vessels for smaller and larger budgets. Basically, someone with a $35 budget can still create a beautiful candle alongside someone with a $65 budget and get the same experience. Ohhh and the candle vessels are sooo pretty!

I have to shout out our incredibly talented contractor Collin and our shockingly good electrician Donovan, for getting us to this point.   

So far, we have paint complete and Joe, Our Shipping manager, installed damn near the the whole floor himself with the help of James. I have incredible sons that take care of their mama! Thank you so much!!! 

We start all the built in shelving next week and Saida and I have begun wick testing all the new candle vessels. Greta, our Malicious Graphic Designer has started working on the new label designs and logo work. This is REALLY Happening and I am so excited to open. 

These are the most common questions I’ve received so far.

  • Will there be wine?
Yes, but not immediately. I am working on getting the commercial kitchen installed so I can serve food and then I can begin applying for my permits. However, if people want to book a private event, they can get a $10 event permit and bring their own beverages.
  • Will you take walk-ins.
Yes, however people who made an online reservation will have priority.
  • How long does a class take?
I guess that depends on how easily you make decisions. If you walk in, pick a jar and fragrance you could be done in 20-30 mins. If you take your time smelling all the smells, laughing and chatting with friends it could last and hour and a half. The candles will need 45-90 minutes to harden before they can be taken home.
  • What are people going to do while their candles are curing?
We are located on 1st street in downtown Snohomish, so there are plenty of shops and restaurants to enjoy while the candles are curing (hardening).
  • One Negative Nelly asked me to my face IN MY CANDLE SHOP “I don’t like candles, what else are you going to offer?
First, why are you here? Second, the plan will be eventually to offer all sorts of classes from soap making to room sprays and bath salts. But I am going to start with candles.
  • Are the candles non-toxic, paraben and phthalate free?

Yes. I only use USA grown, certified organic soy wax, cotton wicks and Grade-A (Bio Grade) Fragrance oils. The fragrance oils are a blend of synthetic and essential oils. That means the fragrance oils are safe to use in soaps and lotions. My oils are more expensive, but the quality is unmatched provided a ridiculous hot and cold throw.

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The Shithole Back Room Before. This is 1200SQ Ft of just wasted space we used to store our Santa

Chaos. The back room was a disastrous pile of garbage.
 The floors and walls were disgusting.
We did as much repair and work on the walls and painted everything black.
New Speakeasy lights installed!!
The flooring begins!
Look at the transformation already! 
I can't even with this place!!!! I tried to even, but I couldn't! It looks sooo good! 

Do you have any questions? I still can’t figure out why Shopify wont let me reply to comments on my blog posts, but if you ask on socials I will answer them there!

Next step for me is to figure out what online booking software I am going to use. Any tips? This weekend I will be creating the instruction cards and scent labels for the bottles. I do promise to take Sunday off and rest a bit. I don’t celebrate Easter, we had our Spring Equinox celebrations last week. I will be spending Sunday in my garden and reconnecting with some much needed dirt energy. I promise to post more updates soon! Check Facebook, Instagram or TikTok for video updates. 

Stay Malicious, 



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Comments (10)

  • Oh – I’ve really always loved the word Mayhem! So maybe Intentional Mayhem? Anyhow, LOVE the idea of pouring & chatting & wining when it’s open! Best wishes always!

  • So glad you were joking! Love your shop will be back in June when I come up to visit family! Mary

    Mary Snider
  • You made my heart stop for a minute! You got me! The room looks great and it sounds like so much fun! I vote for Malicious Intent.

    Terry C
  • Lol I knew someone was gonna do something for April Fool’s and I still fell for it 😂

    Booksy is a booking app my tattooist and piercer both use, pretty user friendly…My hair stylist uses Vagaro and my esthetician uses Meevo (it’s my favorite tbh).

    Lauren Maynard
  • I, too fell for the joke. So thankful you’re not closing! Malicious Intent gets my vote.

  • Completely fell for the headline and my heart skipped a beat.
    Congratulations on the shop!!

    Elaine Lauzon
  • I am soooo excited for this! And I like Intent. Has an Antifa vibe 🤣🤣

  • You got me! Thanks for the HUGE sigh of relief (after the heart stop)!

  • You got me! Now that I know it’s a joke- I need to book a flight to visit Snohowmish because apparently, I need to make candles and join in the mayhem! 🩷

    Melissa C
  • My heart just dropped! So relieved this was just a joke!

    Jennifer D

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